
Printed Circuit BoardPCB & FPC


Vreach Co., Limited is committed to PCB manufacturing in China.Our mission is to provide the best service and fabrication in the industry. We offer customer quotes,superior customer service,and on time deliveries.Increasing our customers competitives is our forever mission !

  • Design support

  • Fast quote within 2 hours

  • QTA service 

    LayersSampleMass produtionQTA expedited
    1-2 L5  wds7  wds2 wds
    4-8 L7  wds10 wds4 wds
    8-12 L10 wds20 wds7 wds
    12L+15 wds25 wds10 wds

Vreach is critical to the success of your product,and we do everything necessary to insure that our part of your product is flawless.From design review to manufacturing to quality control and testing. You can rely on our experienced team of printed circuit professionals to produce products that you can count on without hesitation.we are also committed to providing you with excellent customer service.always willing to go the extra mile to keep our customer happy!

At Vreach,we are confident we can meet all of your PCB manufacturing needs.we look forward to discussing your individual project and the opportunity to earn your business!


Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA)

In order to provide more comprehensive services to customers,Vreach has PCB assembly partner factory. After bare PCB finished ,our PCB assembly line has made all the preparation and begin surface mount assembly soonest.

  • surface-mount technology (SMT),

  • pin through hole technology (THT/PTH),

  • ball grid array (BGA)

  • chip on board (COB)

  • lead-free soldering

  • conformal coating

  • electro-mechanical and cable/harness assembly

  • press fit connections

On the PCBA production side, we have 6 Surface Mount Technology (SMT) lines placing up to 120,000 components/hr., automated through-hole and the equipment capability prototype, low volume up to high volume production output. Our facilities are highly flexible.Component inventory is available on site to speed delivery time.


  • BGA’s and CCGA’s

  • Micro’s and Fine Pitch BGAs

  • Automated Surface Mount

  • Chip on Board (COB)

  • Through Hole Assemblies (THT)

  • Mixed Technology Assemblies

  • Surface MountTechnology (SMT)

  • Functional Testing

  • Box Build

  • Press Fit Compliance Pin Connections

  • X-Ray Inspection

  • Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)

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